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We want you to get the very best out of your stay with us here at Steepleton Lodge Glamping. We have compiled some links of places to eat and things to do and see. These places are all recommended by external sources so please do your research if you wish to do anything you find fromthese links.


We can advise and recommend some of our best eating spots, just ask the team on arrival and we can book this for you. Some places may need booking prior to your arrival so you don't miss out on a table.

RECOMMENDATIONs: The Sheaf Inn, The Pytchley. The Red Lion ,The Witch & Sow .


If you are looking for something fun closer to your pod then we are happy to provide outside family friendly games from the Game Shed (we will show you where this is on your arrival), we kindly ask that you put these back once you have finished with them so that other families can enjoy them!


You can also enjoy the breath taking views, whilst exploring the 52 acres of off road hacking, or walking,  available to you from the moment you step outside your pod. 


IF WALKING IS YOUR THING, THE JURASSIC WAY IS A MUST The Jurassic Way | northamptonshirewalks


Family Bike Trip

9 interesting things to do whilst your staying in Northamptonshire

Children's Outdoor Activity

Got the kids to entertain? Click this link for ideas..


Golf Clubs near us


Top 10 things to do in Northamptonshire

Snack Food

Want a bite to eat outside of your pods?

A few more helpful links:
The Heart of the Shires shopping village

Our Address

Steepleton Lodge Farm
West Haddon Road
East Haddon

Contact Us

TEL: (Jennie) 07703 323472 Kate 07964766422


We Accept

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